Tuesday, July 31, 2007

american diabetes association

Search interest in the American Diabetes Association has been drifting downward during the last 2-3 years.


Monday, July 30, 2007

Writing PHP script

I finally found a tutorial on PHP script language written at a level accessible by me. What is that level? I'm an old mainframe programmer whose years of writing code pretty much ended in the 1970's. Since then I've done some html markup and written a few BASIC and VBASIC programs, but that's about it.

It also looks like that website has other tutorials aimed at the beginning web programmer.


Friday, July 20, 2007

Depression keywords

Depression keywords ranked by combination of search/click frequency and ad costs

depression $5,140
antidepressants 340
suicide 310
prozac 220
depression treatment 200
zoloft 170
bipolar depression $90.00
clinical depression $90.00
suicide prevention $30.00
anger depression $20.00
depression diagnosis $20.00
suicide symptoms $1.00

A list of depression keywords ranked by CPC

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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Country Music

Comparing Faith Hill, Dixie Chicks, Merle Haggard.

Merle Haggard is an old guy with a small but steady search interest. He's dwarfed by the interest in younger stars such as Faith Hill and Dixie Chicks.

There appears to be slightly less interest in Dixie Chicks than Faith Hill, except for spikes when they are in the news for canceling concerts or winning awards.

Stay away from the old guys in Country Music blog posts.

Trace Adkins is another who doesn't come close to Dixie Chicks or Faith Hill in popularity.


Interest in World Series of Poker

Public interest in poker is waning. At least thats the case for the World Series of Poker.

Take a look at this google trends graph comparing the search phrases "world series of poker" and "poker strategy".

You have to look real close to see the "poker straegy" line down towards the bottom.

The "world series of poker" interest spikes every summer during the event, but last year (2006) the spike dropped off. Entries to the world series of poker main event fell for 2007, so I think it's a safe conclusion that the poker boom has peaked.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Vet keywords

Here's a list of adwords keywords related to Veterans Affairs

memorial $2,950
veterans 820
VA loan $380.00
loans va $260.00
veteran $230.00
va home loan $150.00
Purple Heart $140.00
VA hospital $120.00
veterans administration $100.00
va loans home $90.00
agent orange $70.00
Veterans Affairs $60.00
va mortgage loan $60.00
va mortgage loans $30.00
va home loan mortgage $20.00
Vietnam veteran $10.00
va home loan rate $6.00
apply for va loan $3.00
resisting $3.00
va loan mortgage calculator $3.00
va streamline loan $3.00
National Defense Service Medal $1.00
combat veteran $1.00
disable veterans $1.00
iraq war veteran $1.00
va auto loan $1.00
va home improvement loans $1.00
va loan approval $1.00
va loan qualifications $1.00
va student loan $1.00
texas veterans home loans $0.00
VA mortage no data
agent orange exposure no data
concientious objector no data
war resister no data

Google Adwords is the advertisor side of Google Adsense. The dollar value is the estimated daily cost of buying that adword based on expected frequency of clicks and the expected bid costs per click.

Of course, the value for memorial is sky high because of the high search frequency and it's going to be a hard word to get high search engine placement with

Another veteran related list is here.

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Write to publish

I have a habit of writing short thoughts on random pieces of paper.

Then, later, sometimes years later, I'll go through a pile of old pieces of paper and try to figure out what I was thinking.

The title of this post is a phrase that was on one of those pieces of paper.

I'm not sure what it means. But I think it means something.

If it does mean something (and I'm not 100% sure it does) then it probably has some kind of application to blog writing.

If nothing else it got a blog post written.

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A family of blogs

I have a bunch of blogs. Too many. One of the reasons I have many blogs instead of posting a whole lot on one blog is that the search engines like sites that have a core theme. They tend to rank you higher within a search topic if you have posts that stay on that topic. Of course they also rank you higher for frequent updates, so there's a limit to who spread out you should be.

Some of my blogs are

American Tradition
Off Topic Rant
Diet and Sugar

Road to the 2008 World Series of Poker
Playing no limit poker
New Poker
Poker Culture
Math and Poker
Search Engines and Blogs


Monday, July 16, 2007

Poker Search Phrases

Comparing the search frequency of the keywords
poker tournament
poker math
poker strategy

Poker strategy comes out on top by a lot, followed by poker tournmant. Poker math isn't even a blip on the screen.

MathandPoker.com, and some of the pages at www.garycarson.com, rank high in poker math and related google searches. But it turns out that's not doing me much good since very few people actually search for those terms.

nolimit poker doesn't have enough search volumn for google to process
no-limit poker does, but not enough to show on a graph when compared to poker tournaments

holdem poker doesn't have enough volumn to process
hold-em does, but it doesn't show on the graph either

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Trends in search terms

Comparing 3 terms, poker, diabetes, lawyers, poker is the more searched for term hands down.

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Some diabetes keywords

based on both click frequency and adwords costs

diet $10,750.00
nutrition $5,230.00
sugar $3,170.00
diabetes $3,040.00
fruit $2,180.00
insulin $350.00
glycemic $230.00
dark chocolate $130.00
carbs $120.00
glycemic index $110.00
carbohydrates $70.00
glucose meter $70.00
low blood sugar $60.00
blood glucose level $20.00

xcel version of the word list
Another diabetes keyword list

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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Poker keywords

Here's a list of of poker related keywords and their adwords cost estimates (based on both value and volume).

poker $12,130.00
online poker $2,780.00
party poker $1,080.00
holdem poker $330.00
poker stars $320.00
internet poker $190.00
poker tournament $110.00
online poker tournaments $50.00
las vegas poker $50.00
poker blog $40.00
stud poker $20.00
poker books $20.00
atlantic city poker $9.00
poker cheating $7.00
ultimate bet $3.00
new york poker $3.00
internet poker tournaments $3.00
poker cruises $2.00
california poker $2.00
poker math $1.00
oklahoma poker $1.00
nolimit poker no data
nolimit holdem no data
missisippi poker no data
7card stud no data

Note: The keyword "poker", by itself, has huge volume and is next to impossible to get good search placement with that term.

I'm going to add a post tag of "poker" to my mathandpoker.com blog and see if that gets any search engine placement. That blog gets pretty good placement for some terms, such as "poker math".

Here's an excel list of the words

Here's a similar list from another blog.

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