Thursday, February 7, 2008

Finding valuable keywords

I have a few paid advertisors, who pay for ad placement by the month. That's the bulk of my ad income but I also get some from Google Adsense ads. I'm trying to increase the ad revenue from Adsense.

Keywords attract ad revenue by attracting visitors from the search engines and by attracting ads relevant to those keywords. Then we let nature take it's course and let the visitors match themselves up with the ads that interest them. Traffic from search engines tends to be good traffic becuase they are people actually looking for something specific and they follow the ad clicks if the ads are on topic for whatever the visitors interest might be.

Adwords is the advertisor side of the Google ad business, where Adsense is the publisher side. By opening an Adwords account you get access to some tools for searching out keywords of value.

The Keyword tool will suggest a couple hundred permutations or related phrases for a given word or phrase.

The Traffic tool will estimate cost (cost on the advertisor side of the equation is revenue on the publisher side) and traffic for a list of words and phrases.



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